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About us

Rhodes Cusbside Creamery was established in the spring of 2021. We opperate a 2010 Ford E-450 handicap van that we converted into a soft serve ice cream truck.

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We offer sundaes, milkshakes, floats, banana splits, cold drinks, , and of course, cones and tubs of delicious soft serve ice cream. We are now offering freeze dried candy.

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What we do

When we first started we only did neighborhood routes. As time went on we started to do an event here and there. We have since upgraded some of our equipment so we could do some higher volume events. We still do our routes along with birthday parties, food truck events, fairs, corporate events, fundraising events, and much more. As of 2023 we have added freeze dried candy to our menu.

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If you would like to check availibility or to schedule an event please feel free to contact us.



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Now selling freeze dried candy on the truck and online

Now selling freeze dried candy on the truck and online